Pioneer AV Receivers

Pioneer Corporation, a Japanese multinational corporation, has a rich history in the television industry. The company was established in 1938 in Tokyo, Japan, by Nozomu Matsumoto - a man with a passion for music that he hoped to share with the world through high-quality audio speakers. The brand later expanded into various electronics including television sets. Pioneer is particularly renowned for its plasma televisions and was one of the first brands to introduce this technology to the market. In 2006, Pioneer launched the Kuro line of plasma displays, which were lauded for their superior black levels and color accuracy compared to other brands on the market at the time. However, with the advent of LCD and LED technologies, Pioneer faced stiff competition and eventually decided to withdraw from the television market in 2010. Despite this, the brand's legacy in the television industry is still recognized today. Pioneer televisions, particularly their plasma models, are often compared favorably to other brands for their exceptional picture quality and color accuracy. However, the brand's televisions were often more expensive than their competitors, which may have contributed to their decision to exit the market.

What we appriciate?


Pioneer, a renowned brand in the television industry, offers high-resolution displays that significantly enhance the viewer's experience. The brand's televisions are equipped with the latest 4K Ultra HD technology, providing four times the resolution of Full HD. This results in a sharper, more detailed picture quality that brings a cinematic experience right into your living room. The high dynamic range (HDR) support further enhances the image quality by delivering brighter, more realistic colors and greater detail. Compared to other brands, Pioneer holds its ground in terms of resolution. While brands like Samsung and LG also offer 4K Ultra HD TVs, Pioneer's implementation of the technology is commendable. However, it's worth noting that Pioneer TVs may fall short when compared to brands like Sony and LG that have moved a step further to offer 8K resolution TVs. Overall, while Pioneer offers excellent resolution quality, it may not be the top choice for consumers seeking the highest resolution available in the market.

Smart Features (Streaming apps, voice control)

Pioneer, in the television category, has made significant strides in incorporating smart features into their models. Their televisions come equipped with various streaming apps like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, and YouTube, which offer a wide range of content to the users. Furthermore, Pioneer TVs are also compatible with voice control technologies such as Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa, which allow users to control their television with simple voice commands, enhancing the overall user experience. However, while Pioneer has made commendable efforts in integrating these smart features, it does fall short when compared to some other brands like Samsung or LG. These brands offer a more extensive range of pre-installed apps and more sophisticated voice control features. Additionally, some users have reported a slightly more complex user interface on Pioneer's smart TVs compared to its competitors. Despite these drawbacks, Pioneer TVs still offer a robust range of smart features that cater to the needs of most users and provide a seamless streaming and control experience.

Screen size

Pioneer is well-known for its wide range of television sizes, catering to various customer needs. They offer smaller sizes perfect for bedrooms or kitchens, and larger models that are ideal for living rooms or home theaters. One of their latest offerings is the Pioneer Kuro KRP-500A, which boasts a size of 50 inches. This model features full HD 1080p resolution, providing viewers with a detailed and immersive viewing experience. However, when compared to other brands such as Samsung or Sony, Pioneer's size range might be considered somewhat limited. These competitors offer TVs that go up to 85 inches or more, catering to a market that desires a cinema-like experience at home. Despite this, Pioneer's focus on quality over quantity is evident in their products. Their televisions, regardless of size, are known for their excellent picture quality and durability. The brand may not offer the largest TVs on the market, but they certainly hold their own in terms of performance and reliability.


Pioneer, a well-known brand in the AV receivers category, is highly regarded for its output capabilities. The brand utilizes the latest technologies to deliver high-quality sound output, making it a favorite among audiophiles. One of the most recent models, the Pioneer VSX-534, comes with a Direct Energy Design and can deliver up to 150 W/Ch (6 ohms, 1 kHz, THD 10 %, 1ch Driven) and 80 W/Ch (8 ohms, 20 Hz-20 kHz, THD 0.08 %, 2ch Driven FTC), providing an immersive audio experience. However, while Pioneer's output is generally praised, some users have noted that it may not be as powerful as some other brands in the same price range. Compared to brands like Denon or Yamaha, Pioneer may fall slightly short in terms of raw power output. Yet, Pioneer excels in delivering a well-balanced, clear, and detailed sound, which many users find preferable. It's also worth noting that Pioneer AV receivers come with advanced calibration systems like MCACC (Multi-Channel Acoustic Calibration System), which optimizes sound output based on the room's acoustics, giving it an edge over many competitors.



Sound Quality

Pioneer is a well-known brand in the television industry, particularly recognized for its exceptional sound quality. The brand's televisions come equipped with advanced sound technologies, such as Dolby Atmos, that provide a more immersive audio experience to the users. The sound system of Pioneer televisions delivers clear and powerful audio that enhances the overall viewing experience. The brand's focus on sound quality is evident in its use of multiple speakers that ensure balanced and well-distributed sound. However, while the sound quality of Pioneer televisions is generally impressive, it might not always match up to the high standards set by some other brands in the market, such as Sony or Samsung. Some users have reported that the bass could be more robust, and the sound may sometimes appear less dynamic compared to the competitors. Despite these minor drawbacks, Pioneer televisions still offer superior sound quality than most brands and stand out for their consistent performance in this aspect.

Cambridge Audio AV Receivers

Cambridge Audio is a British audio equipment manufacturer that produces a range of high-quality AV receivers. The company's products are known for their excellent sound quality and build quality, and they offer a wide range of products to suit a variety of needs.

Cambridge Audio's AV receivers are some of the best on the market, and they offer a wide range of features and capabilities. The company's top-of-the-line models are capable of delivering superb sound quality, and they offer a wide variety of input and output options.

The company's AV receivers are a great choice for anyone looking for high-quality audio performance. They offer excellent sound quality, a wide range of features, and a variety of input and output options.